Support Us

We are a registered Irish charity and funded through mixture of membership subscriptions, grants, contracts and earned income.

We welcome financial and strategic support from companies, institutions and philanthropic trusts to assist us and our members change Ireland for the better.

In partnering with The Wheel on core programmes or special projects, our partners team up with a charity that has a unique and unparalleled reach into and across the voluntary sector in Ireland: over 5,000 people attended one of our 185 events and conferences in 2017 alone. Our social media channels have 15,000 followers and over 235,000 people visited one of our suite of websites in 2017. We are seen as a strong, credible and coherent voice for the community, voluntary and charitable sector. Being a charity, we are particularly well-aligned for partnerships that deliver a public good or public benefit.

Our partners benefit from aligning their brand with us to make a meaningful impact across a whole sector while getting to be part of the tireless work carried out by community groups, charities, clubs and associations across the country.

Please email us at if you would like any further information.

Here are some ways that companies, philanthropic trusts and public bodies can support the work we do to strengthen Ireland’s voluntary sector.


The Wheel works with partners on a range of projects in areas of community engagement and outreach, active citizenship, research and advocacy. With a database that allows us reach 10,000+ community organisations and 40,000+ contacts across Ireland we are a key partner in projects that require reach into the community infrastructure across Ireland. You can take a look at the variety of proejcts we have worked on, past and present in our projects section.



Sponsor one of our core work programmes (training, advice, community outreach, networking, research, advocacy) or ask us to partner with you to establish a new programme that meets your needs.

Training    Advice & Guidance    Policy & Research    Projects

Talk to us for more information. Our colleague Brian Walsh would be happy to help further:

Become an Associate Member

Any non-independently run charity or nonprofit is invited to join this movement for positive social change in Ireland through becoming an Associate member. It brings all of the benefits of membership with the sole exception of not being eligible to nominate or vote in elections to the board of directors.


Make a Donation

As a registered Irish charity, all donations or financial support of any kind can be made in a tax-efficient way.

We welcome all support and invite you to get in touch with us directly here:

Leave a legacy

We believe that everybody should have a will, because without one there is no guarantee that your belongings will be distributed according to your wishes. A will is also an easy way to support your favourite charity or cause in the future. A legacy gift can be large or small and is tax-free.

MyLegacy provides information to help ensure your wishes are carried out and latest charity information. Visit their website here: 

If you are interested in leaving a legacy to The Wheel to help support and maintain a vibrant charity-sector for future generations, please email get in touch: