Upcoming Webinar for Employers: The Carer's Contribution

Posted on 5 Apr 2024

Join Acquired Brain Injury Ireland for an online Employer Information Session to raise awareness of the many benefits a Family Carer can bring to the workplace.

On 10 April, Acquired Brain Injury Ireland's On With Life Training and Employment Programme team will host a webinar to highlight the value of ‘The Carer’s Contribution’. The event is free to attend but advance registration is required.

Event Details

Employers attending the webinar will gain insights into the contribution Family Carers could make to their business. The session will also share information about restrictions that this cohort may face when returning to work, such as maximum hours and earnings that are applicable when in receipt of Carers Benefits.

The webinar will feature three expert speakers from organisations that support Carers on their journey back to paid employment, as well as a Family member that has experienced the On With Life Training & Employment Programme. Employers who have hired Family Carers will also share their experience.

Speaker Information

By the end of the Information Session, employers will have a clearer understanding of the numerous transferable skills Family Carers have to offer their business, and what considerations may support this cohort as they return to the workplace.

Acquired Brain Injury Ireland’s On With Life Training & Employment Programme is a back-to-work course supporting and preparing Family Carers to return to paid employment. The programme offers practical skills for returning to the workplace, as well as life coaching and mental health support.

At Acquired Brain Injury Ireland, we are invested in highlighting to employers the very valuable and transferable skills of Family Carers, including advocacy, empathy, resilience, multi-tasking and working with multi-disciplinary teams.

For more information about the On With Life Training and Employment Programme email Sara Prodoni: sprodoni@abiireland.ie
