SHINE 4 Week Introductory Online Support Groups

Posted on 25 Feb 2022

We are now taking registrations for our 4 Week Introductory Groups.

To find out which Online Support Group is best suited to you, please visit here or email

Would you like to join one of our upcoming 4 Week Introductory Online Support Groups?

We will meet weekly for one hour for 4 weeks, where our sessions are delivered over Zoom. If you are over 18 and live in Ireland, you are invited to register below for the Online Support Group best suited to you. Each group will have a maximum of 14 participants.

Group 1 – Living with self-experience of mental health challenges.

WHEN: Mondays April 4th, 11th, 25th & May 9th at 6.00pm

Groups will be facilitated by training Shine facilitators and each week we will share and support one another.

During our sessions we will:

⦁ Support you to open up about what you are feeling and experiencing in a safe and facilitated environment

⦁ Introduce you to ideas and approaches that others have found helpful

⦁ Reassure you that you’re not alone in how you are feeling

⦁ Help you to connect with others and give you a sense of belonging

⦁ Encourage you to value your strengths

⦁ Build your self-esteem and confidence

⦁ Help you to feel more hopeful about the future

Group 2 – Relatives and supporters of a person with mental health challenges.

WHEN: Thursdays April 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th at 6.00pm

Groups will be facilitated by training Shine facilitators and each week we will share and support one another. Our group introduces and explores what relative/supporter peer support and family recovery can mean for you During our sessions we will:

⦁ Support you to open up about what you are feeling and experiencing in a safe and facilitated environment

⦁ Introduce you to ideas and approaches that others have found helpful

⦁ Reassure you that you’re not alone in how you are feeling

⦁ Help you to connect with others and give you a sense of belonging

⦁ Encourage you to value your strengths

⦁ Build your self-esteem and confidence

⦁ Help you to feel more hopeful about the future