Online Biodiversity Event, 16 June

Posted on 16 Jun 2021

Letterkenny Community Gardens are aware of the great work that is being done all over the Island by Individuals and groups and how enthusiasm and growth in this area is being embraced, therefore invites you to their free co-hosted event - Helping Biodiversity in our Homes and Communities.

Date/Time: Wednesday 16 June at 7pm

At the moment tickets are in high demand as it is a free event, so feel free to register at the link above. 

We will be co-hosting the Biodiversity Event in collaboration with The Centre for Sustainability, Equality and Climate Action at QUB and The Community Climate Action Working Group of the Belfast Climate Commission. 

Our plan is to have 3 to 4 Speakers covering different areas of Biodiversity and then we will break into discussion rooms to ascertain how we as individuals and communities can make a difference in our homes, gardens and public areas.