It’s Not You it’s Me. The Hell with that, it’s not Me it’s YOU! Dealing with the tricky problem of “other people” in relationships, 31 Aug

Posted on 23 Aug 2022

It’s Not You it’s Me.

The Hell with that, it’s not Me it’s YOU!

Dealing with the tricky problem of “other people” in relationships.

Free Zoom Webinar – Wed. 31 August @ 7–8.30pm

Have you ever noticed that throughout your life it seems to have been that no matter what you do to try and avoid it you always wind up somehow or other involved in relationships with “other people”?

It starts from the moment we are born when things called parents are thrust upon us, then moves on to things like siblings, peers, friends, teachers, bosses, employees and work colleagues, neighbours and the wider community, parents again as they get older and need help and support and then you and your children again as you get older and they seem to be reluctant to give you 100% care and attention after all you did for them.  And the absolute worst case nightmare scenario of getting involved with things like partners, husbands and wives and the like and their insistence on being different to you and their impossible and unreasonable list of needs, demands and requirements!

Is there no end to this crap involving other people? 

Not unless you live in a cave in Borneo there isn’t, and even then, it’s still pretty unlikely.

So if “other people” aren’t going to go away and leave you alone any time soon we had probably better try and figure out what might be a successful strategy for having to deal with them.

In this this free Webinar we will be looking at some simple ways and means towards making relationships sustainable, successful and hopefully rewarding and also looking at some strategies we can usefully employ when they become stretched, strained and stressful.

All relationships face challenges in their evolution and development, and this is part of life. And if things go wrong then we need to work together to try and make things better rather than apportioning blame for what went wrong and why. Doctors (hopefully!) don’t spend hours blaming and punishing you for being ill, they try and diagnose the cause of the illness and then try and find a cure and a remedy ASAP.  Relationships can best be looked at in the very same way if they are to move forward successfully and constructively.

There are many ways for things to be made better in relationships in all their forms and dynamics and this Webinar will focus on seven specific strategies that can do just that.

This Webinar forms part of a series on Sustainable Relationships and Resolving Conflict but it is not necessary to have attended any previous Webinars as they are designed as stand-alone events.

Facilitator: Tony Kearney

Tony grew up in New Zealand where he trained as a solicitor. He then worked as a solicitor in London for over 20 years before moving to Ireland in 2006 to further his work around building sustainable relations into the future. This includes planting a forest on the farm where he now lives and acting as a Mediator in workplace, community, schools, family, and commercial disputes. Tony is also a skilled facilitator and trainer and runs many training and other events and is the author of five books.

To register for this Webinar or find out more email Tony at: