IHREC Survey on Grants and Events

Posted on 21 Oct 2021

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) is undertaking a survey as part of its statutory obligation under Section 42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Act 2014 (Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty).

This survey is targeted at civil society organisations that have been awarded a grant under the IHREC grants scheme and/or have used our Events Space for activities or attended our own events in person, or online over the past three years – the lifetime of their current Strategy Statement (2019-22). Its purpose is for you to give IHREC feedback on the quality and accessibility of these services/initiatives. The findings of this survey will help inform IHREC's Section 42 statement for the IHREC's next Strategy Statement 2022-2024.

The Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty provides that a public body shall, in the performance of its functions, have regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and treatment of its staff and the persons to whom it provides services, and protect, promote and fulfil the human rights of its members, staff and the persons to whom it provides services.

IHREC, as a public body, recognises that service provision is a core function of our organisation and that the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty applies to it on an ongoing basis. In line with our obligations under Section 42 it is conducting this survey to get feedback from a diversity of Civil Society Organisations on their grants and events services to help IHREC to improve them and ensure they are accessible and inclusive to a diversity of groups.

Please see the link to this confidential survey here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/IHRECServicesSurvey2021_01

(A few practical notes – this needs to be opened in Google Chrome, and when you complete the survey, just close the tab; don’t press ‘back’)

The survey should be completed by 2 November 2021.