Getting to YES in building successful and sustainable relationships and resolving conflict when everything seems to scream “NO!”   

Posted on 27 Apr 2022

Getting to YES in building successful and sustainable relationships and resolving conflict when everything seems to scream “NO!”    

Free Zoom Webinar - Wednesday, 27 April 7.00 – 8.30pm

Let’s start with a couple of - Did you know? – questions.

Did you know that all computers work on a BINARY system of commands of effectively YES or No?

Did you know that the human brain also largely works on a similar system of command and control – also a BINARY system of YES and NO?

And did you know that BINARY anagrams to BRAINY!  Well now you do!

We are of course incredibly complex and sophisticated forms of organic life capable of multiple feelings, emotions, imagination, needs, thoughts, reasoning, desires and more, way beyond being categorised as a simplistic YES or NO system of behaviour.

Or are we?  For everything we ever do we do (for whatever reason) by triggering either a yes or no response.  We act this way because we say yes to acting one way, and we don’t act another way because we say no to that particular way of responding.

Successful and sustainable relationships work because there is mutual benefit for both parties in saying YES to what the relationship needs and what each party agrees to do to ensure that mutual benefit is maintained.

Conflict happens when the energy and focus (for whatever reason) shifts to saying NO to each other.  Preventing each other, controlling each other, blocking each other and worst of all exploiting each other.  This applies to all relationships from how we treat each other to how we treat the Planet and Nature herself.

Any of these “NO” behaviours tend to make the relationship conflict based and unsustainable in the long term and sometimes in the short term too.

In conflict, the focus becomes more and more about what we disagree about and the more that happens ….. the more we keep saying NO to each other.  And so it goes on in an ever-increasing downward spiral of conflict and saying no to each other.

In this free Zoom Webinar we will be looking at some simple yet powerful ways and means to look at the power of both YES and NO, and how they can be harnessed towards together helping to build and maintain successful and sustainable relationships and used effectively and constructively in helping to resolve conflict when it occurs.

And lest we forget having a successful and sustainable relationship and finding effective ways of resolving conflict doesn’t have to involve other people.  In fact it begins with in our own lives and the challenges we have in balancing those YES and NO energies in ourselves.

A classic example of this battle being Shakespeare’s Hamlet and his immortal struggle trying to decide what to do or not to do:

To be, or not to be — that is the question:

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

And by opposing end them.

Tell me about it Hamlet!  😊

This Webinar forms part of a series on Sustainable Relationships and Resolving Conflict but it is not necessary to have attended any previous Webinars as they are designed as stand-alone events.

Facilitator: Tony Kearney

Tony grew up in New Zealand where he trained as a solicitor. He then worked as a solicitor in London for over 20 years before moving to Ireland in 2006 to further his work around building sustainable relations into the future. This includes planting a forest on the farm where he now lives and acting as a Mediator in workplace, community, schools, family, and commercial disputes. Tony is also a skilled facilitator and trainer and runs many training and other events and is the author of five books. 

It is not necessary to have attended any of the previous Webinars to join the process as they are all designed as stand-alone events.

To register for this Webinar or find out more email Tony at: