Housing Agency: Apply for Research Support Programme 2024

Posted on 28 Jun 2024

The Housing Agency has launched the call for applications to the 2024 Research Support Programme. 

The Research Support Programme is an annual call, which funds research responding to topical housing issues that have the potential to impact on housing policy and practice. Different research strands that The Housing Agency is particularly interested in are announced each year. 

Research Focus – Sustainable Communities 

Sustainable communities are places where people want to live and work now and in the future. They meet the needs of future and current residents and are sensitive to the environment and contribute to high quality of life. Sustainable communities are a key focus of the Government’s housing plan, Housing for All, which envisions ‘people of all incomes living side-by-side, with the right community infrastructure in place to help our cities, towns and villages thrive.’

The 2024 Research Support Programme will focus on sustainable communities, particularly innovation, adaptability, affordability and social inclusion. 

Sustainable Communities Themes: 

The themes below are structured according to the dimensions of Sustainability: Social, Environmental and Economic.  Proposals on these themes are invited. We are interested in research proposals including (but not limited to) the following areas: 


  • Housing and Social Inclusion 
  • Housing and intellectual disability 
  • Youth housing 
  • Mixed tenure / social mixing 
  • Community development initiatives. 


  • Housing innovation and adaptability 
  • Green infrastructure 
  • Biodiversity 
  • Energy efficiency.


  • Housing development, transport and the shadow price of carbon 
  • Economic models for the delivery of affordable housing.

More Info

Full guidelines and application details available here: https://www.housingagency.ie/Funding-Opportunities

Deadline for application: 30 August 2024.
