New Wave Adventure Therapy Wild Project
New Wave Wild Project is a not-for-profit social enterprise. We design and deliver intensive adventure therapy interventions for young people, adults, and families towards recovery, resilience, and self-care.
Member Q&A
What is your goal?
We design and deliver programmes of adventure therapy for young people and adults towards recovery, resilience, and self-care. We blend traditional therapeutic approaches with outdoor adventure activities in natural green and blue spaces. Our goal is to provide an alternative therapeutic experience to those who have complex needs or need creative engagement.
How have you been working towards it?
We created a unique professional, social work-led service that is aimed mainly at one-to-one adventure therapy. We seek opportunities to collaborate and access funding to support those who need it. We continue to learn and develop our understanding of the needs of those seeking support through adventure therapy and we endeavor to respond by maintaining our high-quality, meaningful interventions with each participant.
How has being a member of The Wheel helped?
Our membership of The Wheel is hugely beneficial to us. It is a great hub of information, really effective space for networking with other services and organisations (even remotely), and a helpful resource for practical help with things like funding and skills and tips for running a not-for-profit effectively.
How can people support you?
We would love it if people would spread the word about what we do, and if there are opportunities for collaboration we would love to hear from you.
Do you have any success stories to share?
Most of our work is with young people who come to us with unique experiences and challenges. Mental health is always something that comes up and we are proud to say that the practical skills adn strategies that are learned through adventure therapy, as well as the creation of a safe space to talk, always provides a positive foundation to build a therapeutic relationship.
Where can people find you on social media?
Facebook: newwavewildproject
Twitter: @newwavewildproj
Instagram: @newwavewildproject