Invitation to book launch and wine reception - ‘Light on the Horizon’ - 10 Nov

Posted on 1 Nov 2022


You are invited to celebrate an important milestone in Co. Clare - the launch of the book ‘Light on the Horizon’ at a wine reception in The Old Ground Hotel, Ennis on 10 November at 6.30 pm. 

This book is the inspiring story of a community’s response to domestic abuse and the development of Clare Haven Services and Haven Horizons.  

So many people in County Clare have been part of this story, giving their time and energy volunteering, holding fundraisers and doing church-gate collections. 

All welcome. Please share with anyone you think might be interested in attending this book launch.  

For those who can’t make it on the night, the book is available to buy in bookshops around Clare and online through The Ennis Bookshop.