Ballymun's Future Begins with its Babies, 27 Oct

Posted on 20 Oct 2022

Join Dr Suzanne Zeedyk as she reflects on the findings of Youngballymun's IMH evaluation conducted by DCU.


Date and time: Thu, 27 October 2022, 11:00 – 14:00 IST

Location: Axis Art Centre and Theatre 9 Main Street Dublin

Register here

Join Youngballymun and the community to celebrate the launch of our Infant Mental Health Evaluation by Dr Evelyn Gordon and her team in DCU.

We are delighted to say that we will also be joined by Suzanne Zeedyk who will give a keynote address which supports the research around the importance of emotional connection for human health and happiness.

Suzanne and Evelyn will then join an esteemed panel including the Ombudsman for Children, Dr Niall Muldoon, panellists from the HSE, Tusla and the Department of Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, for a discussion on the importance of working with parents and children from the earliest years.


The overall aim of this evaluation was to establish the acceptability (relevance and benefits) of the Youngballymun Infant Mental Health (IMH) activities, primarily the programmes provided to families that are specifically designed to enhance relational capacity. Related activities, such as IMH awareness raising, capacity building, and support among professionals, were also briefly reviewed. Dr Evelyn Gordon will guide us through the evaluation outcomes and benefits to families and practitioners in the area.

Dr Suzanne Zeedyk

How important is emotional connection for human health and happiness? What does the science tell us and how can we use it to think more deeply about fostering connection and compassion across Ballymun?

Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk, will help us to address these questions. She brings not only her knowledge as a research scientist, but also her personal aspiration to boost the public’s awareness of the long lasting impacts of the decisions we take about caring for our children. Suzanne will help us to think about why it is sometimes difficult for policymakers to prioritise the needs of babies and their carers, and she will also help us to see how we can advocate more effectively for those who do not have a voice of their own. It promises to be a session that is challenging, thought-provoking and inspiring.

Our Panel will then discuss the outcomes and thoughts presented by our speakers focusing on the importance of prevention and early intervention to support better outcomes for babies, children and families in Ballymun.

Join us at 11.00 for Tea / Coffee

Event commences at 11.30 with light lunch at 13.45.

Register here