Language and Successful Communication Skills for Dummies (a free webinar on 5 May)

Posted on 20 Apr 2021

Language and Successful Communication Skills for Dummies, a Free Online Zoom Webinar on Wednesday, 5 May at 7.30pm -9.00pm

Words, Words, Words – apart from everyone, who needs or uses them?

It is often said in the herbalist and healing realms that what can cure can also inflict, and that principle surely applies every bit as powerfully when it comes to language and communication. 

Consider how many countless words must have been thought and spoken in how many languages throughout human history to express an infinite number of feelings and emotions. And how each of these thoughts and words has the power to change the course of history and often and perhaps always does?

Words have been used throughout human history as everything from weapons of hate and to injure and divide and rule to express love, support, hope and joy and offer healing, forgiveness, compassion and so much more.

Think for a moment of the latent power within these four simple phrases:

I love you.

I hate you.

I’m sorry.

I forgive you.

In this free Webinar we will be looking at the power of language and how to use it better and more effectively in all our relationships be they personal, family, community, inter-community and workplace. And how better communication can help us all navigate better pathways forward from the past towards a kinder future away from conflicts when they occur and towards respect, reconciliation and restoration wherever possible. 

Facilitator: Tony Kearney

Tony grew up in New Zealand where he trained as a solicitor. He then worked as a solicitor in London for over 20 years before moving to Ireland in 2006 to further his work around building sustainable relations into the future. He is also a qualified Mediator and has acted in many different settings such as workplace, community, schools, family and commercial disputes. Tony is a skilled facilitator, trainer and Mediator and runs many training and other events and is the author of five books. 

To register for this Webinar or find out more email Tony at: