Invitation: Reconciliation Fund Outreach Workshops 2023

Posted on 20 Dec 2022

The Department of Foreign Affairs’ Reconciliation Fund invites you to attend their series of Outreach Workshops, which will take place over the course of January/February 2023.

The Department of Foreign Affairs’ Reconciliation Fund will host a number of workshops in Belfast, Derry and Monaghan which will outline the application process for the Reconciliation Fund step-by-step in advance of the Annual Funding Round opening in February 2023 and answer any questions that you may have. You are most welcome to attend the location and time that suits you best.

Please register your attendance at one of the workshops using the following Eventbrite links:

Please note that the Department of Foreign Affairs’ Reconciliation Fund will be running 3 sessions in Belfast (Morning, Afternoon and Evening) and 2 sessions each in Derry and Monaghan (Morning and Afternoon).

If you have any questions regarding these outreach workshops, please contact the Reconciliation Fund team at

Full details 
